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Stella- Dixit Universe

$31.99 Regular price $39.99

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Starseekers! Explore the sky and bring back some light in your world. Stella is a competitive game in the Dixit Universe, where players interpret pictures after receiving a common word. Choose the same pictures as the other players to achieve victory! Take calculated risks, but beware of the fall.

Detective Hawk Games recommends Stella for those people who loved Dixit but are searching for a more competitive game. In this game the goal is to take a common word provided at the beginning of the game and to decide which Dixit cards from a grid best associate with the word. If you pick the same Dixit cards as other players you score points and create a "spark", however if you pick a dixit card that no one else associates with the word, you will lose points. Also it is risky if you have two many matches compared to your fellow players. In this case, you don'[t score your points as normal. If any of your choices "falls" you gain one fewer stars than everyone else. This game is a lot of fun when you can get a good group together for a game night!

This game is published by Libellud

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