The Speakeasy

Ok, we know Detective Hawk Games is technically set in the 1940s with our site theme and that the Speakeasy was born out of the 1920s Prohibition era - but bear with us!
Every week when we get our weekly deals list in from our suppliers, we have to remove a small set of games (usually 15- 30) because we can't technically mark those games down. The supplier is offering those at a discount to us as a retailer but telling us we must sell the game for no less than a specific price.
So we thought that wasn't right, so we're starting The Speakeasy... this is pure word of mouth - need to know basis. The games in this section appear to have the same price as always, but... if you add them to your cart... you'll see the discount get applied. If you are clicking through to The Speakeasy and don't see any games, we do ask you to check back later.
We have checked, and we aren't running afowl (Hawk...get it?) of any rules or laws, but as with any speakeasy, these deals may get shut down at any time... (Usually 9 pm on Sundays - in line with the Weekly Deals)