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Mine Your Business: Pickaxe Edition

$19.99 Regular price $24.99
SKU: BBO 500

Mine Your Business: Pickaxe Edition will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


Mine Your Business is a quick and tricky spatial puzzle that encourages clever planning and pattern recognition, all while being sparkly. The game features many modes of play, including solo, cooperative, and competitive rule sets. In each mode, you will take actions on your turn to manipulate the game board and attempt to align chains of resources, so that they may be collected once your mine cart is aligned with them. You will do this by swapping, rotating, and revealing the different resource cards that make up the game board. There is also a hungry goblin within the mine which will do its best to destroy your recently created resource paths, as well as try and eat you! Make sure you do everything in your power to avoid the goblin, and wisely utilize the tools available to you. The cleverest gnomes may even catch the goblin, eliminating it from the game!