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Descent: Legends of the Dark - Review Part 2

Descent: Legends of the Dark - Review Part 2

Descent: Legends of the Dark - Review Part 2

The Fate of Terrinoth is upon us… Released last Friday, August 6th, from Fantasy Flight Games was the hotly anticipated Descent: Legends of the Dark. In this fully cooperative game, 1-4 players take on the challenge of adventuring through the harsh and unforgiving land of Terrinoth. This game is only Act 1 in a 3 Act Saga. There will be two more boxes released in the future. In this article, we’ll be diving into the Miniatures in the game.


What would a big box game from Fantasy Flight Games be without some incredible miniatures? This game has increased the quality of the miniatures. Similar to Mansions of Madness and Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth, the figures included in Descent: Legends of the Dark are high quality. Instead of using PVC in those other games, Fantasy Flight Games decided to use polystyrene injected into molds. This process allows for more detail than PVC and the expense of it being slightly more brittle. They look incredible! Check out the teaser video below to see more of the high-quality miniatures.

In the game, you get six hero miniatures and 34 enemy miniatures. Each of the hero’s miniatures, Brynn, Galaden, Syrus, Vaerix, Chance, and Kehli, are highly detailed and show off the hero perfectly. I love the look of Vaerix with his long staff and of Syrus with his phoenix. They all are highly complex and excellent for painting.

We also really like the look of the enemies we encounter. Our favorites are the Specter, with the skulls hanging down from their necks.

The Specter look like they are right in the middle of casting an ominous spell!
The Bandit looks like he is reaching for a bolt and about to load it into the crossbow

What we also really love is how close the miniature resembles the in-game artwork. You can tell Fantasy Flight Games spent a lot of attention to making sure the artwork and the miniature sculpture were the same. I especially love how on the Bandit, there is a smoke bomb hanging from his waist.

The artwork in the app and on the cards is incredibly detailed, and the miniatures show this off. The other elegant part is that all the miniatures are standing on a themed base as well. I particularly like Chance standing on the fallen pillar. These details immerse you in the campaign.

One thing you’ll notice is the orange and green bases above in the enemy videos. Those aren’t part of the miniature. Instead, they are ID tokens that snap into place, so you have two of one enemy type on the board, you can identify which is which. The tokens come in 4 different colors, and the app will tell you which color to place when the enemy arrives in the game. One nice feature is these colored ID tokens are also helpful for color-blinded people. The number of notches in the ID token is different for each color. The app also shows the color and number of notches per enemy. We appreciate this level of attention when it comes to this game!

Finally, storage of the minis has always been a problem with these big box titles. Fantasy Flight Games did think of the token storage already. They have included three plastic trays with form-fitting spaces where you can place each Mini. The spaces are custom to each mini and allow the figure to snap in place when not used. This storage solution is a very nice touch as we are so used to putting miniatures in bags and throwing them in the box.

If you are as much of a fan of a superb miniature as we are, then we want to encourage you to take a look at Descent: Legends of the Dark! We will be doing more articles this week focusing on the App and the Game Play itself. If you haven’t read part one of our review on the Terrain, check it out here.

If you like the look of this game and you want to pick up your own copy. We have it for sale in our store. Get your copy today!