Our Store is Temporarily Closed! Read about our Store Closure!
It's been awhile...

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile...

We wanted to write a quick post to say, “yes, we know we have not written in awhile” – The reason comes down to how busy we’ve been with the Detective Hawk Games side of the business and unfortunately its pulled us away from doing more blogging about the games we love.

We recently got a few new games to the table: Burncycle, Return to Dark Tower, and we’ve even revisited Scarface 1920 as a 3-player game (which works much better!) We’ve also got our copy of Descent: Legends of the Dark – Act II which we want to dive into once we finish Artisans of Splendantvale which we love.

Outside of this, we finally got our filming rig re-setup and are considering filming some playthroughs and reviews. We had a rig – but the whole system fried on us earlier in the year, and we got a replacement at that time, just as our business took off flying. We’re now working on what potential content we can add. We know that many people are posting videos, and we want to make sure our content is compelling and also wanted by the community.

The business side is going well and at a consistent clip. We are a small business, so right now, everything we make gets poured right back in.

As many of you know, we did a huge Christmas in July sale. To be completely honest, this overwhelmed us. We made it work, and everyone got their orders in 3 weeks, so it ended up okay. One thing that happened out of that sale is that Iain, our owner, has a pinched nerve in his back from all the lifting and breaking down of pallets. He is getting an MRI to confirm surgery is unnecessary and, hopefully, just a cortisone shot. This has slowed down everything on both sides of the store (business and blog), but hopefully, we’ll return to normal soon!

Other than that, we’re gearing up for a busy holiday season! We will be running a short Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale! Dates are still being finalized! We’re working with our publishers and suppliers to figure out what items will be on sale!

We will try our best to get back into writing reviews of the games we’re playing! If you have any suggestions for games we should review, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

So – thank you for being supportive and interested in our articles and business! We keep up with what’s being said in the forums and appreciate all the great comments we receive! Thank you!