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Step into the world of Detective Hawk Games…

Step into the world of Detective Hawk Games…

Big ideas have small beginnings. 

We are in the early stages of development of Detective Hawk, and his world. One of the ways we are developing and experimenting with this character is the serialized story on our blog. 

We have so many ideas about where we want to take Detective Hawk. And how we can make you a part of his stories. You won’t need the investigating prowess of Detective Hawk to make the connection between that aspiration and love of story driven games. The latter will become undeniably obvious as browse this site. 

You will keep finding clues on this site about the direction of the evolution of the world of Detective Hawk. We ask for your patience – these things always take longer than you can possibly imagine. 

In the meantime keep on gaming!

Iain & Tan

(a.k.a HeHawk & SheHawk)