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Three for... the Outdoors!

Three for... the Outdoors!

Three for... the Outdoors!

Way back in February we started a series called Three For… and then promptly forgot we started the series… Oops. We were looking at games to feature in a full review this week and truth be told we’ve been continuing playing some of the campaign games we’ve reviewed. We currently are working through Familiar Tales, Forgotten Waters, Sleeping Gods, and Pandemic Season 0 to name a few. (Editor’s note: We were planning on releasing our T.I.M.E Stories review this week, but we decided to play The Marcy Case expansion to include that in our review)

With that in mind we decided that this week’s article should focus in on a few games that are great for the summer and fall season!

These games all have a nature and outdoors bent to them and are perfect for the outdoors! Without further ado, let’s get into these games.


From Rebel Studio comes a game that’s all about nature. Meadow is a game where each player takes on the role of a wanderer through nature. By gaining cards related to various habitats, landscape and observation and then playing these cards, players gain victory points. We will be doing a full review of this in the coming weeks, but in the meantime check out the board game’s trailer below. 


From Stonemaier Games and designed by Elizabeth Hargrave, this game has skyrocketed in popularity. We reviewed this last year and it’s still a game we pull out when we want a relaxing competitive game to bring to the table. In the game each player has their own board with multiple habitats laid out in rows. They each have bird cards in hand that can be played when they meet the conditions. Read our Full Review here. Also just announced at online my Jamey Stiegmaier – the next expansion of Asia birds.

Azul Queen’s Garden

We released our review of Next Move Games Azul Queen’s Garden a couple week’s back. We feel this game is definitely worthy of a slot on this list. Building gardens may not sound the most exciting thing, but the strategy involved is very innovative. Throwing away garden tokens to pay the cost of placing another token makes your decisions all that much harder. Check out our Review here.

If you are interested in any of these, we have them all in our store although Wingspan has been a bit difficult to come by with our distributor as they keep going out of stock too! 

Honorable Mentions

We also have three other nature based games we would recommend BeezBlossoms and Elizabeth Hargrave’s Tussie Mussie