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Sword & Sorcery: Ghost Soul Form Heroes Accessory Pack

$11.92 Regular price $14.90

Sword & Sorcery: Ghost Soul Form Heroes Accessory Pack will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


Use the Ghost Soul Form miniatures to enhance your visual game experience.The set of five finely sculpted miniatures included in this pack allows you to replace the figures oft he five heroes included in Sword & Sorcery Immortal Souls. When a hero dies during a Quest, you can now replace his or her figure with the Ghost Soul version included here, to immediately visualize which characters are in Ghost Soul form. If you like to paint your figures, these miniatures can also be used as an extra figure set, to create an alternate version of each character, matching his or her soul nature.