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Everdell: Spirecrest 2nd Edition

SKU: ST2659

Everdell: Spirecrest 2nd Edition will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated by Feb. 23rd.


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Spirecrest is an expansive and challenging new expansion, sure to surprise and delight even the most seasoned of Everdell players. This expansion features a new Mountain board, Discovery cards, Weather cards, Big Critters, Maps and Expeditions! 3 extra Big Critter meeples and saddles 9 new Discovery cards More Critters! Owls, Moles, Lizards!

This game is an expansion: Everdell base game required to play. Also see expansion for this game: Everdell: Bellfaire.

This product is published by Tabletop Tycoon.