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Dwellings & Driveways: Keep on the Cul-de-Sac! Your Basic Parody

$7.99 Regular price $9.99

Dwellings & Driveways: Keep on the Cul-de-Sac! Your Basic Parody will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


 Dwellings & Driveways from Gaming Honors is only one of the many, many popular playing aids you can use to fill the endless hours you spend sitting at home. But why would you choose anything else? Tie up those sweatpants, grab a potion of Cure Light Caffeine Headache, and dare to Keep on the Cul-de-Sac! Explore the Keep or Design Your Own! This mysterious dwelling filled with magically mundane items and frighteningly familiar encounters is system neutral. This hilarious parody module features a funny new perspective on your daily homebound escapades. Explore this keep with your family or friends, or use it as a model to design your own shelter-in-place quests using your favorite RPG system and your OWN dwelling!