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It's a Wonderful World: Corruption & Ascension

$27.99 Regular price $34.99

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


It's a Wonderful World is a cards drafting and engine building game from 1 to 5 players. Each round, players will draft 7 cards and then choose which ones will be recycled to immediately acquire Resources, and which ones will be kept for construction to produce Resources each round and/or gain victory points.

This new deck of cards complement the existing cards of It’s a Wonderful World. From now on, each turn, you will play a mixture of classic Development cards and Ascension cards. Ascension cards introduce new ways to play, most notably through pair scoring and corruption.

This new deck also allows you to play with up to 7 players.