Please note: Store is temporarily closing May 3rd. There will be NO additional orders to our suppliers until May 18th. See Store Closure for details!

Panda Royale


This game is a preorder. It's release date is TBD. Each year as the mid-summer festival begins, the seven panda clans gather to celebrate their many years of peace and prosperity. After all the feasts, stories and games the Elders host the annual competition wherein the bravest of all pandas gather together to battle for honor and glory. The panda clans each have their own powers and abilities and the Elders consider those strengths carefully as they assemble their teams from members of each of them. You will play as one of the panda Elders and will choose pandas to join your team from among the seven clans (represented by seven colors of dice). Each panda clan will offer unique abilities to your team, so choose wisely in order to accumulate the highest score over 10 roun