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Armada: Two Player Starter Set

$79.99 Regular price $99.99

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


Pit your fleet against your friends in this 2+ player naval warfare game. Plot your speed and course, sail through the waves, fire spectacular broadsides and initiate cinematic boarding actions. Typical fleet sizes are 6-9 ships for a standard 90-120 minute game. Upgrade your ships with magic items and famous captains. Featuring 10 scenarios, pitting players against each other to capture a kraken, sink the flagship, battle for buried treasure and more. Contains additional rules for terrain, weather and advanced wind rules. Contents: Rulebook (rules, 10 scenarios, background lore), 4 Basilean ships, 4 Orc ships, 8 bases, 8 ship cards, 5 fleet reference cards, 4 Basilean and Orc upgrade tokens, Game dice, Approximately 3x4ft gaming mat.