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Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game Boss Expansion

$90.00 Regular price $112.50

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated on February 17th.


Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game Boss Expansion focuses on two powerful fighters from the Street Fighter universe: the ruthless dictator, M. Bison and the raging demon, Akuma. Each of these power-hungry villains comes with a standard Battle Deck, a Boss Battle Deck, and a set of Nemesis Event Cards.

Akuma and M. Bison are compatible with all modes of play found in Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game. By adding this expansion to a collection, players are given two additional modes to play!

In Boss Mode, one player controls a powerful boss form of either Akumaor M. Bison. Each of these two bosses has a unique Boss Battle Deck composed of cards that are intentionally designed to be more powerful than a standard Battle Deck. This mode can be played with up to four players; however, the boss player will always face off against three other challengers.

In Nemesis Mode, two players are limited to using Akumaand M. Bison. Each player uses the Character’s standard Battle Deck with Special Nemesis Event cards, providing a thematic encounter between these two rivals.