Our Storeis Temporarily closed - we will reopen on Feb. 19th. Items ordered will ship March 1st. Store Closure

Struggle for Catan

$11.99 Regular price $14.99
SKU: CN3142

Struggle for Catan will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated by Feb. 23rd.


The Struggle for Catan™ is a fast-paced game between the 2-4 factions developing newly settled Catan. Manage your resources to build settlements, cities, city expansions, knights, and roads that generate victory points or special abilities. While your settlements, cities, and city expansions remain yours, valuable roads and knights change hands. Varied expensive city expansions give you additional victory points and lasting advantages, so they're generally key to victory. As in The Settlers of Catan® board game, you win by being the first to acquire and play 10 victory points.