Our Storeis Temporarily closed - we will reopen on Feb. 19th. Items ordered will ship March 1st. Store Closure

Mythic Americas: Tribal Nations - Mohawk Warriors

SKU: WLG 722214002

Mythic Americas: Tribal Nations - Mohawk Warriors will be added to our next order with the suppliers.

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated by Feb. 23rd.


10 28mm Metal Mythic Americas miniatures. Mohawk Warriors Mohawk Warriors are the core melee unit in the Tribal Nations warband. They have a better than average agility, Woodsmen and the option to take tomahawks; making them a stand out ambush unit. These warriors can move through terrain with ease to attack their targets but their lack of armor makes them vulnerable to enemy counterattacks.