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Word Traveler

$31.99 Regular price $39.99

Please Note: Due to store closure: Product Availability current as of January 16th. Availability will be updated by Feb. 23rd.


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In Word Traveler, you are a tourist checking out the sights of a new city, but you only know a few words of the local language... The locals (other players) will do their best to interpret your clues to help get you where you want to go — without getting lost in translation!

FUN WAYFINDING ADVENTURE: Embark on a linguistic journey as a tourist in a foreign city with limited language skills!
COOPERATIVE PLAY: Work together with other players to interpret clues and navigate the city's landmarks.
DESIGNED BY A PARTY GAME EXPERT: Created by Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance, the mind behind BGG's #1 Party Game - Decrypto.
MINIMAL DOWNTIME: Enjoy a seamless and engaging gameplay experience with little waiting between turns.
UNIVERSAL APPEAL: A theme that resonates with players worldwide, providing both enjoyment in success and humor in failure.