Temporary Store Closure
Hi Everyone! We wanted to write a quick blog post to you to let you know this store closure is temporary. We are family run and we as a family are traveling to Australia to visit family! The store official reopens on March 1st, however, we will allow orders starting Feb. 19th and we will place our supplier orders on Feb. 24th.
We will update the supplier's inventory just prior to Feb. 19th. Please note, we cannot provide a time for this to be done as we will be traveling on that date.
We are going to be playing some board games while away and I will be updating the blog with board game related reviews and the like. Follow us on social media, X, Instagram or Facebook to get store and board game updates. We do not post family related items on social media, so please don't think you'll be looking at trip related items, you won't, I promise! We will be using social media as we reopen the store.